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Year 4 Drumming December 2021
2021 Christmas Nativity Play
Chowbent Virtual Open Day
Headteacher's Assemblies 2021
Leavers Assembly
Year 4 Drum Performance
2020 Christmas Nativity Play
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Chowbent Primary School
Headteacher's Assemblies 2021
29. The 5Ws Take Notice - issolation
28. The 5Ws Connect - Nelson Mandela
27. The 5Ws Keep Active
26. The 5Ws Happiness - Connect & Give
25. The 5Ws Keep Learning
24. The 5 Ways to Wellbeing
23. New Year New Start
22. Regenerations
21. The Emotions Jar
19. Responsibility - Kindness Towards Others
18. Responsibility - A Warning From History
17. Responsibility - Taking the Blame
16. Responsibility - The Blame Game
15. How the Brain Works
14. The Titanic Disaster
13. Resourcefulness - On the Shoulders of Giants
12. Readiness - Planning Ahead
11. What People Say
10. When I grow Up
9. Failure is Learning
8. Derek Redmond
7. The 5Rs
6. Revolting Children
5. Growth Mindset
4. Easter Island
3. A Message for Chowbent@Home Pupils
2. Accepting Challenges
1. Being Connected